Your Elixir

At my bedside tenderly you read a story
You caress my hair and kiss me every evening
Then wake-up in the night while I cry in the dark
And by your sheer presence you appease my nightmares

Elegance and beauty, just like a movie star
Your smile is an angel’s, your silhouette a fairy’s
Your eyes give so much love without ever asking
Your gestures are poems without the need to speak

The glance always forward, no regrets, no remorse
When the vessel pitches, when the wind blows so hard
It’s in your open arms and in your golden heart
That in the worst of storms I find peace and comfort

O where are all the words, how can I say to you
Oceans separate us but our hearts unites us
Your loving smile, your eyes, your strength, your elixir
All of this is in me, each time I take a breath


Cedric, 01/17/12

PS: Happy Birthday Mom!