Peel the Onion

I am not my clothes,
I am not my haircut,
I am not my pretty car.
Peel the onion, what hides inside?

I am not my job,
I am not my house,
I am not my bank account.
Peel the onion, what hides inside?

I am not my family,
I am not my friends.
I am not my Facebook wall.
Peel the onion, tell me what’s left?

I am not my past,
I am not my future,
I am not my busy mind.
Peel the onion, and find the truth.

I just am, that’s all there is,
Pure, naked, empty.

Let the Universe pour itself into me.
Let me experience it fully.
Every moment. Right now.

At peace, finally.


Cedric, 2/12/2011