Category: <span>Travel</span>
Indian Tonic – Fear
3am: walking out of the Chennai airport. I spot two soldiers with heavy weapons in hand chatting casually and I ask for directions: taxis are waiting outside of the airport. The air is hot and humid, filled with unfamiliar and unfriendly scents. Quick stop at an ATM machine to get […]
Double Agent
After almost 11 years spent in the U.S. under various statuses, I am about to become a U.S. citizen. I was glad to receive the letter with the naturalization ceremony appointment, but so far the process has been very conceptual. I was taken aback when Mai got all upset last […]
Seoul Searching
Seoul airport, my first solo trip to an Asian country. Moving in the immigration line, I repeat the same two words again and again: “annyeong haseyo” (hello), “gamsa hamnida” (thank you). I can do this. My attention shifts to the people surrounding me and to the signs in an alphabet […]
Identity – Lost and Found
During a recent vacation in Yucatan, Mexico, I witnessed a dialog between a native Yucatecan store owner and a foreign customer. The owner asked where the tourist was from, and the reply came as “American but originally from Russia”. The local shook his head from side to side to express […]