Category: <span>Travel</span>

Fashionproof Monk

Sri Lanka, a boarding lounge inside Colombo airport: a man types something on his mobile phone. His slick Italian leather shoes betray a taste for fashion and a sense of ego, the intention to look good. Wait a minute, rewind: this man is a monk! Is he texting with the […]

Tokyo Blues

Narita airport. My boss and I walk to the immigration counter and hand out our passports. John is invited to proceed without further questioning but the immigration officer keeps my passport, browsing through the pages with his impeccable white gloves. “Sir, please follow me.” I ask if there is a […]

Indian Tonic – Bollywood

I’ve been in Chennai for about a week now and tonight is THE big party. My business trip happens to coincide with the company’s holiday party. I’ve been to corporate fiestas before and I brace myself for the classic storyboard: food, drinks, boring speeches, and a few people under the […]

Spacing Out

I did it. No work, no routine, no excuse. We’re in Mexico and I have a full day of leisure ahead of me. I feel great… but wait a minute: I don’t feel great. In fact I am terrified. What do you do when all the excuses are gone, when […]

Indian Tonic – Casting

Sights of Chennai pass through the window of the taxi as I am being driven through the city for a half-day sightseeing tour. A woman is sitting on the pavement, her daughter by her side, both of them stripping wires – extracting valuable copper from its worthless plastic shell. The […]

Indian Tonic – Food

First lunch in Chennai – jetlag adds to my usual craving for Indian food. Unlike the taxi driver’s, the waiter’s English is excellent. This and the sophisticated décor remind me that the restaurant caters to foreigners, though I can see a lot of locals around me. I order a curry […]