Category: <span>Travel</span>
Crystal Ball
At 25, my path seems laid out in front of me: only two years after finishing school I am considered a ‘high potential’ talent in a large and successful company. All I need to do is keep working hard, ignore the sadness and emptiness growing inside me, and I will […]
Why Read?
There is a tiny bookstore in San Miguel de Allende, hidden inside a secret courtyard, that sells used titles in English. I walk in and immediately spot the book I want: “Dress your family in corduroy and denim”. Happy as a clown, I come home carrying hours of giggles printed […]
Fighting Demons
As we enter Honduras for a mere 2-hour drive between El Salvador and Nicaragua, the gates of hell open and three demons are unleashed, sniffing the hot and humid air for the scent of their prey. The first demon, agent Smith, catches us immediately after the border crossing. Tall build, […]
The Gun
We are driving towards the border between Guatemala and El Salvador. Although my speed is fairly high, a pick-up truck overtakes us impatiently. A tall and strong fair-skinned man is standing in the back, holding something shiny in his right hand: a huge gun. Stories from guidebooks about carjackers in […]
Finding Warmth
Although I love London, the idea of going there in February gave me cold feet… but it would have been sad to let Mai go to her cousin’s wedding by herself. So I shoved my gloves, scarf and winter hat in the luggage and got on the plane. We are […]
Encounters in Guatemala
Inés took the taxi-boat from nearby San Pedro to do the weekly cleaning of our rental house in San Marcos, on the shores of Lake Atitlán. She wears the traditional Tz’utujil costume like her Mayan ancestors who ruled this world before the Conquista. She labors the entire day to make […]