Category: <span>Travel</span>

I, Robot

Los Angeles airport. I choose a sandwich and hand it over to the cashier. – “Hi, how are you?” she asks. I open my mouth to let out a polite and mindless “Fine, how are you doing?” but instead I feel compelled to tell the truth: – “Actually I’m exhausted. […]

The Journey of Ganesh

“Which one do you like?” asks the storeowner with a perfect English and a strong Indian accent. At the end of our visit of the ancient site of Mahabalipuram, our host and coworker Srini insisted in offering Mattias and I a hand-carved statue as a souvenir of our first time […]

Let the fog clear

It’s been two weeks since we came back from a year of nomadic adventures on the roads of Latin America and returned to a sedentary life in San Francisco. Wherever we go, whomever we talk to, one question seems to be on everyone’s lips: “How does it feel to be […]

Endings and Beginnings

One year, two weeks and one day. Part of me says nothing has changed while another says everything has. We have travelled over 20,000 miles by car from San Francisco all the way to Ushuaia, the end of the world. Now we are back, and by a strange quirk of […]

A Cop in Peru

Kike is standing on the plaza, chatting with his colleague. They just reprimanded a group of foreign bikers for driving the wrong way. Cusco is a great place for sightseeing but a challenging one for driving, especially in the San Blas neighborhood, a labyrinth of narrow one-way alleys paved with […]

Kid Policy

Having travelled with 2 dogs for 10 months and 10,000 miles, we’ve heard lots of interesting comments from hotel staff about pets. It’s true that there are risks with letting animals inside a hotel room: they might be noisy, they might be dirty or smelly, and they might break things. […]