Category: <span>Travel</span>

Gray Ham And Eggs

   “Hello?” says the voice on the phone.   “Hello,” I repeat. “Could I speak to Gray-ham, please?”    “May I ask who’s calling?”    “My name is Cedric. I play squash at the Country Club and…”    Toot. Toot. Toot. She hung up. For the third time.    How can I ever move up in the […]

A Giant Heart

    A late afternoon sun radiated through the clouds that covered Playa Coyote. We parked our Montero SUV, caked with dried mud, under a palm tree and opened the trunk. The dogs jumped out: no more driving, it was playtime for humans and canines alike. Biela, the white and fluffy American […]

Moving Target

     The massive doors of the ferry boat slowly rotate around giant hinges. Outside: Portsmouth, England. My heart beats a little faster. Is it excitement or anxiety? Both, I suppose. I’m 21 years old, I’ve never left France before, and I am going to live in another country for 3 months. […]

Phobias, Tarantulas and Vaginas

On our first night in the lake house, while brushing my teeth, I knew someone was watching. Reflected in the bathroom mirror, I counted half a dozen black spots on the wall behind me. T-shirt clad, toothbrush in mouth, armed with a Nike flip-flop, I sprung into action. I struck […]

The Crossing

“Run!” shouted Mai in the middle of a high-traffic boulevard in Saigon, Vietnam. She and her brother bolted to the sidewalk, against all the advice local folks gave us on the art of crossing the street. Horns honked as scooters and mopeds zoomed by the runaways. Miraculously, they made it […]

The King of Parking

Pretending to read messages on his mobile phone, the King discretely observes the wealthy couple getting out of the French restaurant at the corner of the Plaza, the man’s white shirt and the woman’s evening dress shining under the bright moonlight that bathes Panama City in a pale glow. The […]