Category: <span>Parenthood</span>


I get mail. Lots of mail. Mountains of mail. Amazing credit card offers, museum membership renewals with special perks, nonprofits begging for donations, and of course of course of course, catalogs: clothes, home interior, gardens and landscaping, computers and electronics, kitchenware, books, toys, sporting gear, plumbing and electrical supplies, restaurant […]

The Will To Live

Jacques sat on a tall bench, his young legs swinging to the beat of the tune in his head. The blond, blue-eyed boy wore shorts, like any ten-year old kid in summer time. Today was a weekday and he would not be going to mass, yet he sported his Sunday […]

The Ring of Fire

Our son is fascinated by fire trucks. American fire trucks, that is. Fifty thousand pounds of flamboyant steel, rubber and metal, complete with disco lights, ear-popping horn, and shrieking siren, hurling through the streets in a deafening roar. Every time I take him to the neighborhood playground, we stop in […]