Category: <span>Laughs</span>

The Curse of the Bikini

My wife looks at me with guns blazing in her eyes and pretends to say casually: “You forgot to tell me that your Spanish teacher was a hottie.” Uh-Oh. This sounds like the kind of conversation that can only go bad or worse, depending on what my answer is. Think! […]

How We First Met

Act 1. Beautiful Stranger Like every morning, I get out of my apartment and take a breath of fresh air before the California sun turns the heat on. My roommate and I walk silently towards the carport, waiting for the first caffeine shot to kick-in. Both interns in the same […]

I, the Alcoholic

Hello, my name is Cedric and I’m an alcoholic. Well, not really… actually not at all. But for some reason my mother-in-law believes I am one, and nothing I can say or do will ever convince her otherwise. When she visits us there are two possible scenarios: either the wine […]

Why Read?

There is a tiny bookstore in San Miguel de Allende, hidden inside a secret courtyard, that sells used titles in English. I walk in and immediately spot the book I want: “Dress your family in corduroy and denim”. Happy as a clown, I come home carrying hours of giggles printed […]

Being a jerk

I’m late for a squash game. I’ve been going around the block several times but still haven’t found parking. Finally a guy gets into his car… but someone is already waiting for that spot. Without giving it a second thought I zoom in and steal the space. I jump out […]


As long as I can remember I’ve been afraid of spiders. I’m 36 years old, I have jumped off a perfectly working plane just for fun, hiked an active volcano, dived from the top of a 20’ waterfall, surfed in great white shark territory, eaten a termite in the jungle, […]