Category: <span>Laughs</span>

Phobias, Tarantulas and Vaginas

On our first night in the lake house, while brushing my teeth, I knew someone was watching. Reflected in the bathroom mirror, I counted half a dozen black spots on the wall behind me. T-shirt clad, toothbrush in mouth, armed with a Nike flip-flop, I sprung into action. I struck […]

The Crossing

“Run!” shouted Mai in the middle of a high-traffic boulevard in Saigon, Vietnam. She and her brother bolted to the sidewalk, against all the advice local folks gave us on the art of crossing the street. Horns honked as scooters and mopeds zoomed by the runaways. Miraculously, they made it […]

I, Robot

Los Angeles airport. I choose a sandwich and hand it over to the cashier. – “Hi, how are you?” she asks. I open my mouth to let out a polite and mindless “Fine, how are you doing?” but instead I feel compelled to tell the truth: – “Actually I’m exhausted. […]

The Snake in the Bathroom

It was a present from the cousins who always took pride in bringing the most unusual gifts. A black snake, fierce and threatening with ruby red shiny eyes, the kind of nasty predator that jumps on you for no reason… except this specimen is a plastic toy. After a bunch […]

Forbidden Fire

Snacks: check! Beer: check! Flashlights: check! Wood: check! Two moving boxes full of paper: check! This is no ordinary bonfire; tonight a chunk of our pasts shall burn to ashes. A true pack rat, I would conscientiously hold on to all sorts of papers: bank statements, sports club bills, medical […]

Of Mice and Me

There were early signs, like small black droppings scattered in various corners of the basement, but it took irrefutable proof for me to face the truth. It came on a sunny Saturday morning when I lifted a new bag of dog food and kibble started flowing out onto the floor: […]