Category: <span>Human Nature</span>


Anxiety is the talent that human beings have for worrying about problems that may never happen, and over which they have no control. The antidote for Anxiety is Acceptance that there are very few things in life we can control, except how we react to the world that surrounds us. […]

I, Robot

Los Angeles airport. I choose a sandwich and hand it over to the cashier. – “Hi, how are you?” she asks. I open my mouth to let out a polite and mindless “Fine, how are you doing?” but instead I feel compelled to tell the truth: – “Actually I’m exhausted. […]

Not Enough Time

“Grandpa,” asks the child, “why do people always say they don’t have enough time?” The old man smiles: “Let’s go outside, I want to show you something.” He takes the boy by the hand and both walk out to the garden. In the toolshed he grabs two baskets and a […]

Let Go!

Life is full of changes. We can’t stop it. At this very moment the world is changing, people are changing. And you are changing too. As always we have a choice: we can either accept it or deny it. This is particularly striking with relationships. Two people have an affinity […]

I Am

Descartes got it all wrong when he said: “I think therefore I am.” We can only “be” in the present moment, and thoughts precisely take us away from it. They transport us to the past or the future, to different places. Even when we try to think about the present […]

Risk Taker

Upon hearing that the next destination in our Latin American journey is Colombia, my brother emailed me. In his eyes I am crazy to travel to a country full of terrorists and drug cartels that kidnap or kill honest people. He cannot fathom why on earth I would take such […]