Category: <span>Human Nature</span>


I get mail. Lots of mail. Mountains of mail. Amazing credit card offers, museum membership renewals with special perks, nonprofits begging for donations, and of course of course of course, catalogs: clothes, home interior, gardens and landscaping, computers and electronics, kitchenware, books, toys, sporting gear, plumbing and electrical supplies, restaurant […]

Fountain of Youth

   I pick up the fountain pen and begin to write. Long-forgotten images bubble out of the deep recesses of my memory. A classroom perfumed with chalk dust. Rows of wooden tables polished to a fine patina by generations of students and scarred by the tips of their compasses. A hole […]

Golden Chicken

      In January 2020, I had a troubling dream. Mai and I were walking on the San Francisco waterfront and stumbled upon a group of passersby watching the Bay. Some pointed fingers to the water; others were talking to each other nonchalantly. Intrigued, I turned my head and spotted a giant […]

Moving Target

     The massive doors of the ferry boat slowly rotate around giant hinges. Outside: Portsmouth, England. My heart beats a little faster. Is it excitement or anxiety? Both, I suppose. I’m 21 years old, I’ve never left France before, and I am going to live in another country for 3 months. […]

The Will To Live

Jacques sat on a tall bench, his young legs swinging to the beat of the tune in his head. The blond, blue-eyed boy wore shorts, like any ten-year old kid in summer time. Today was a weekday and he would not be going to mass, yet he sported his Sunday […]

Phobias, Tarantulas and Vaginas

On our first night in the lake house, while brushing my teeth, I knew someone was watching. Reflected in the bathroom mirror, I counted half a dozen black spots on the wall behind me. T-shirt clad, toothbrush in mouth, armed with a Nike flip-flop, I sprung into action. I struck […]