Category: <span>Featured</span>

Phobias, Tarantulas and Vaginas

On our first night in the lake house, while brushing my teeth, I knew someone was watching. Reflected in the bathroom mirror, I counted half a dozen black spots on the wall behind me. T-shirt clad, toothbrush in mouth, armed with a Nike flip-flop, I sprung into action. I struck […]

Endings and Beginnings

One year, two weeks and one day. Part of me says nothing has changed while another says everything has. We have travelled over 20,000 miles by car from San Francisco all the way to Ushuaia, the end of the world. Now we are back, and by a strange quirk of […]

Not Enough Time

“Grandpa,” asks the child, “why do people always say they don’t have enough time?” The old man smiles: “Let’s go outside, I want to show you something.” He takes the boy by the hand and both walk out to the garden. In the toolshed he grabs two baskets and a […]

Of Mice and Me

There were early signs, like small black droppings scattered in various corners of the basement, but it took irrefutable proof for me to face the truth. It came on a sunny Saturday morning when I lifted a new bag of dog food and kibble started flowing out onto the floor: […]

Walk On

She drags herself on her belly. Her legs are too weak so she crawls on the sand, her arms doing most of the work. After a few yards she stops and breathes heavily. She turns her head to the right, towards me. Our eyes meet. Gathering her strength, she starts […]

The Sexy Gene

Among us brothers it was fairly obvious who got the sexy gene, and I can truthfully say that it wasn’t me. One summer Xavier, Marc and I shared a vacation apartment by the beach on the Atlantic coast. Although we had a great time filled with sports, naps and other […]